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Old February 8, 2015   #11
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: WI, USA Zone4
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Originally Posted by carolyn137 View Post
I can post here the method I used to wake up old seeds if you want me to since doing a search here for same would be difficult.

My best save was 22 yo seeds of September Dawn.

Here is Carolyn's germination technique for older seeds that she previously posted:

"First, with much older seeds it depends on how many seeds are available, but never use ALL the seeds you have at the first attempt.

Put the seeds in a small container, maybe half a cup of water to which is added a pinch of Blue stuff, like Miracle Grow or Peters, or several drops of concentrated Fish or seaweed prep if wanting something organic.

Stir the seeds from time to time, for at least 24-48 hours and hopefully you'll see the seeds sink when they become rehydrated since older seeds can be very dehydrated.

Sow the seeds in a good artificial mix, cover with a baggie, or whatever, with one end propped open for airflow. Water with water to which has been added the same blue stuff or organic stuff, when needed.

Sit back and wait.

I've had to wait up to two monthe before I saw any germination. Seeds from heart varieties are much harder to wake up since they lose viability faster than others.

Many years ago Craig L ( nctomatoman) and I tried many different methods that had been suggested, such as tea, microwave, K nitrate, giberellic acid, you name it, but the above method worked best for me.

What the blue stuff or fish or seaweed provide is a high concentration of nitrate ions which are known to be important in seed germination, and not just for tomato seed."
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