Thread: Okra
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Old February 11, 2007   #8
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Here's some info.

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Plants For A Future is a resource centre for rare and unusual plants, particularly those which have edible, medicinal or other uses. We practise vegan-organic permaculture with emphasis on creating an ecologically sustainable environment based largely on perennial plants.{}

The five-angled, slightly spiny pods are medium-green in colour and up to 15cm long, though for best quality they should be harvested when about half that size[183]. An early and high-yielding cultivar, producing sturdy, compact plants from 45 - 75cm tall[183]. They are very productive, even in areas usually considered too cool for okras[183]. They can produce a crop within 55 days from sowing the seed[183].

'Long Green'
An early-maturing variety that is more tolerant of cooler temperate conditions, it is worthwhile trying it outdoors in Britain[200].

'Green Velvet'
An early-maturing variety that is more tolerant of cooler temperate conditions, it is worthwhile trying it outdoors in Britain[200].

'Emerald Spineless'
An early-maturing variety that is more tolerant of cooler temperate conditions, it is worthwhile trying it outdoors in Britain[200].

'Dwarf Green Longpod'
Plants are up to 90cm tall with pods to 20cm[264]. A fast-maturing plant, it can crop within 50 days from seed[264].

'Clemson's Spineless'
An early-maturing variety that is more tolerant of cooler temperate conditions, it is worthwhile trying it outdoors in Britain[200].

'Cajun Queen'
The bright, spineless, tapered pods are about 12cm long with 6 well-defined ridges[183]. They have an intense flavour and a rich colour, so do not fade into the background when cooked in stews etc[183]. An early, productive, very hardy cultivar, it grows up to 1 metre tall and can produce a crop within 50 days from sowing the seed[183].

Growing about 1 metre tall with pods up to 20cm long[264]. It tolerates cooler weather than many other cultivars, though still requires warmer temperatures than are usually experienced in Beitish summers.
The spineless, ribbed pods are an attractive creamy-lime in colour[183]. They are best picked when about 8cm long and are crisp and firm yet tender and not stringy[183]. A short-season cultivar for cooler regions, it can produce a crop within 48 days from sowing and has performed well in trials as far north as Canada[183]. The short, compact plants are up to 90cm tall and are very productive[183].

'Annie Oakley'
The slender, five-angled pods are light green in colour and 18 - 22cm long[183]. They are spineless and remain tender as they grow to a large size[183]. An F1 hybrid, it ripens earlier than open-pollinated cultivars and can therefore succeed in cooler climates, though it is still more suited to protected cultivation in Britain[183, K]. The plants are compact, uniform and heavy yielding, reaching a height of about 1 metre[183]. A harvest can be produced within 45 days from sowing the seed[183].
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