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Old January 28, 2015   #1
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Default Starting seeds and vacations

So we're going to visit some family during seed starting time. Some things will be rather small, others will have been going for a number of weeks while we are gone for 5 nights. The lights are easy--a timer. Other than asking a friend or family member come water the seedlings once while I'm gone, does anyone have ideas of how to keep seedlings watered while away?

I think I'd only need to ask someone to come out once--I'd water heavily before we leave and water once we got back, which should make once while we're gone sufficient. The other option is I do start my seeds in cell packs and containers that sit in 1020 flats without holes, so I could puddle up some water in the bottom and call it good. But I'm afraid that would be too much water. I am purposely not going to have freshly sown seeds going at that time--only things that have been sprouted for ~2 weeks.

FWIW, the seedlings of many types of veggies will be cool ~60F in the basement.

Any thoughts are appreciated!

Last edited by jmsieglaff; January 28, 2015 at 04:29 PM.
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