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Old January 2, 2015   #203
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Utah
Posts: 693

Originally Posted by ChrisK View Post
I would definitely spread those out so they are not competing for light. Which ones to toss, (or maybe give away?) is up to you. Pick the best ones as far as overall plant health, compactness, strength and bloom #. Throwing out plants is hard to do. lol!
I won't be able to throw them out, but I'll have to relocate them where they won't be under lights. They'll probably stretch out looking for more light. Might be interesting to see the difference.

Originally Posted by ChrisK View Post
edit: another question that has come up is how many flowers are aborting w/o setting any fruit? Do you have a sense of this on your plants? Mine do not seem to be dropping blossoms and the first truss has 20-30 fruits on it.
I'll try to come up with an answer to that tomorrow when I spend some time with them.

Originally Posted by ChrisK View Post
edit2: what kind of automatic watering system do you use?
Automatic may be the wrong word. I have to manually add water every couple of weeks. It is a simple wicking system using a 43" x 22" x 2" boot tray on the 48" x 18" shelves I have the lights suspended over. Each tray accommodates 10 of the 1-gallon pots (as you can see, a little too closely together for these particular plants). The water seems to wick perfectly up into the 1-gallon pots and the tray holds enough that I only need to refill it every 10-14 days. I'll take the pots off it tomorrow and take some photos when I go through the plants closely. My first attempt didn't work well, but I made some modifications and it seems to work great.

It is actually quite simple. One 4-foot Costco shelf holds two trays with room for up to 18" plants in 1-gallon pots under the lower light and 22-23" plants under the upper light.
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