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Old December 22, 2014   #3
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Washington State
Posts: 2

I've been growing tomato plants and produce for so long that the name I was given by our customers at our local farmers market was Tomato Lady. This part of the country is not prime conditions for growing tomatoes, but, I have found many ways to compensate and get the earliest, most flavorful and productive ones around. Container growing of most tomato plants is intensive at best. I still do it in pots and have had the same results as you. Tomato plants don't like the Bonsai style of living. The fruit does everything you described because of the tight quarters, the up and down in moister levels (stress), condensed food supply or no food added and the intense heat at the root zone (root ball) from sun hitting the side of the pots. Also, stress from drying winds. That's a lot for our tomato babies to deal with and still look and do their best. If anyone would like to know how I compensate just ask.
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