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Old December 9, 2014   #13
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Default Aunt Molly's

For so many years on this form and other forums: we always talked about ground cherry. I even remember one time "I think in 2003 someone telling not to eat the unidentified fruit growing on my historical property. "Very good advice that I took to heart" As soon as finally open the little husk of the Aunt Molly a customer gave me last year to grow and Removed the husk off the wild plants growing here
I started seeing these little tomatoes ripping to a greenish orange I thought I have seen them before in a book. Well I have been looking through all my books and Catalogs for the last 2 weeks. Well hard work pays off.......It was the Seeds Saver Exchange 2007 Catalog. I remember not ordering the Aunt Molly's that year because I did not understand why there was paper skin. So I ordered the Cerise Orange Cherry tomatoes at another seed Vendor I trusted to have small little cherry that the Contraband Slaves grew here.

I wish there was a picture of the plant in the Catalog. These plants don looking thing like a Tomato Plant.

At that time I did not know that a ground cherry where tomatoes. I did have the wild strawberry growing here, at one time I thought that wee the wild tomatoes brought here by the Contraband slaves. or maybe they where ground cherry. But the Students at William & Mary, Virginia State University and Virginia Tech let me know years ago that they where Wild Strawberry. It could be that Native Americans called the Aunt Molly's wild tomatoes, but are classified as Ground Cherries. In the Description the Seed Saver Exchange used "Ground Cherry were recorded as early as 1837 in Pennsylvania, which is very important to my research. So far the Aunt Molly originally in from Mexico know as a Ground Cherry.

I guess I am a Step Child Fan of Seeds Saver Exchange trying to get to know everyone as I learned from every Staff members for year at there Farm in Decorah, from my computer. I only wish that I visited them in person as I researched the Fruit & Vegetables brought to Hampton by Contraband Slaves.

I started singing and dancing this year with my historical tomatoes & Vegetables. Maybe since all plants have been Identified, maybe I can travel to different Farms Sing and Dance with my Tomatoes, Fruit & Vegetables and sing all the Country Music I want to Sing. But at this time I only singing to Disney Songs and the Children Love my shows Amen!!!!
May God Bless you and my Garden, Amen
MrsJustice as Farmer Joyce Beggs
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