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Old October 1, 2014   #9
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: Indialantic, Florida
Posts: 2,000

Gardenboy - That seed list is impressive. Is growing tomatoes more than a hobby for you?

You are so right with Burpee and Park Seed writes the most amazing descriptions only to be let down again and again.

I have been growing tomatoes for years; just not heirlooms;

Do you think there is a big difference between growing for fall vs spring? I grew Kelloggs in the spring and they were amazing (the first big heirloom); but my plants have struggled so far; I was expecting big plants by the time Oct 15 rolled around and the weather cooled off.

One thing growing for the spring, is it isn't buggy; and when starting in the summer is the buggiest time of the year; I notice lots less moths lately though.
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