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Old September 21, 2014   #8
Dork Fish
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Zone 5B Illinois
Posts: 402

Thank you for all of your suggestions. I have it at a slow rolling boil right now. Unfortunately, I am not going to be able to leave this on overnight. So, I will have to put it in the garage overnight and try again the next day.

This is the recipe I will be using this time...

Mary’s Marinara Sauce

5 gallons processed tomatoes (no skins, no seeds.)
6 Cloves Garlic Minced
4 Smallest Cans Tomato Paste
2 Pounds Sweet Italian Sausage
2 Pounds Ground Beef
½ Cup Red wine Vinegar
2 Pound Sliced Mushrooms (fresh or canned)
4 Large Carrots Peeled & Grated
6 Large Bell Peppers, Any Color, Seeds Removed, Diced
6 Tablespoons Italian Seasoning (or 2 Tablespoons each of fresh Basil, Oregano, Parsley)
2 Cups Sugar
¼ Cup Olive Oil
4 Tablespoons Salt
¾ Cup Lime Juice

Bring tomato sauce to boil. Lower heat and simmer until liquid is reduced by half.
Add tomato paste, stir well.

Saute sausage, ground beef. Drain off grease thoroughly. Saute onion, peppers mushrooms (if fresh mushrooms) garlic and carrots in olive oil until translucent.
Add meats and vegetables to sauce mixture. Add all spices, salt, sugar, vinegar and lime juice to tomato mixture. Simmer 20 minutes on VERY LOW HEAT (be careful…this is thick and will scorch easily.) Fill appropriate number of “2-quart volume” freezer containers or process quarts, 90 minutes at 15 pounds in pressure canner for quarts (the time and lbs is for my area, above 4,000 feet.) THIS MUST BE PRESSURE CANNED if using jars. The meats in it make it unsafe to just hot water bath can.

The lime juice and vinegar are what keep this sauce tasting very fresh after freezing and canning. They keep the ingredients from breaking down. The carrots neutralize the acidity.
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