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Old August 28, 2014   #5
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Laurinburg, North Carolina, zone 7
Posts: 3,207

So, I know that this farm hadn't been farmed for at least 30 years, probably more. I saw pictures from when the house was built and it was basically a forest, as it is now.
I do have some ducklings, which will be free range and will hopefully learn to eat snails and slugs. I'm getting chicks ( laying, red broilers and guineas) next week. The guineas will be free range. The broilers and laying chicks will start out in tractors in the garden but eventually, I'd prefer to shut them out of the garden and allow them to roam free. I've seen the damage they can cause when allowed loose in the garden. I will be able to collect the manure, though, as they will be locked up nightly.
I'm chipping hardwood and hauling pine straw ( which is partially composted) along with rotted leaves to the vegetable garden and strawberry bed. As the leaves begin to fall I can add tons more to all areas.
Any recommendation for a cover crop? I was thinking favas, annual rye ( or a grain) and/or white clover. I'd like to get some cover crops going pretty soon, especially on the septic field where blueberries will go. That area was dug out just a month ago and since the soil from several feet under is now on top, it is pretty devoid of organic matter.
Hopefully, I will be able to get cottonseed hull at the feed store.
Recommendations for other,inexpensive organic fertilizer in quantity would be great until I have my horse and chickens where they belong.

Last edited by Tracydr; August 28, 2014 at 11:08 AM.
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