Thread: Tiny maggots
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Old August 23, 2014   #3
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I saw the same question posted elsewhere, and here is a cut and paste of my answer<

(When ferentations are set up all kinds of stuff can get in,it's the fungi and bacteria we want for a good fermentation but almost any kind of flies can land and lay eggs, leading to maggots, the larvae.

No, it doesn't help to put cheesecloth or anything else over the fermentation container b/c then spores, which you want, can adhere to that, etc.

We're gardeners. We can take removing the hornworms and stomping on them, we can take squishing the orange eggs of Colorado Potato Beetles on the undersides of leaves, for yes, we are gardeners, and we aren't intimidated by maggots.

After I process the seeds and dump them on a plate to dry, I tip the plate to remove most of the water, which the maggots need to live, and sit there and spend some quality time watching them die. ( wink) Nope, I don't do that but they will shrivel up and die.)

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