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Old August 20, 2014   #17
Anthony_Toronto's Avatar
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Posts: 413

Actually it seems like they packed up and moved off, most of them at least. I haven't seen one for more than a week now, though some of my tomatoes continue to be nibbled. I did leave all of the nibbled potatoes and tomatoes out in the open, but I don't think they have touched them. I still plan to trap them before the winter comes, if I can...I don't want to lose any more of my hostas, lost some really nice ones. Whatever I trap I'll release a few miles away in a field. I did get about 30 pounds or so, and half of the plants (planted a few weeks later than the ones I pulled) are still lush. Lots of hollow heart...probably a problem of my new soil with improperly mixed triplemix or improperly composted manure being a little too fertile, but hopefully things will calm down next year, after I rototill in several cubic yards of peat. And although they are very tasty, next year I will be pulling up a lot more new potatoes, might even pack more plants in just to be able to harvest these tasty goodies.
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