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Old July 25, 2014   #3
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Yes, the other fruit are normal, for sure (very pretty I might add!). Fruit that set before and after this one are normal shaped.

I thought that mutations could occur in the DNA of a single fruit though, during its development.... at least, I believe I have read here, for example, of a case of a single yellow on a red fruited plant that afterwards came true to seed (yellow). But not in all cases, sometimes it is just a somatic mutation.. I don't know what genes are involved in ruffled fruit either, although it appears to be dominant (at least, in my F1 of PI120256 and Danko, all fruit are quite ruffled - but Danko might have some form of it as well).

As regards the effect of the environment, we've been in a heat wave the past month while this fruit was set,, with high UV index and lots of bright sun. Most plants have dropped all their blossoms but Blush is one that has been setting pretty well, at least till it got closer to the glass where it's hottest and nothing survives. There are only a few fruit in clusters above this one.

I have for sure seen lots of strange fruit shapes on other plants (usually in cold but in extreme heat too) due to incomplete pollination where some locules don't develop. Perhaps this is the case?
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