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Old July 23, 2014   #55
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[QUOTE=Whwoz;424269]Brokenbar, what amount of liquid would you expect from a paste as against a sauce as against a beefsteak? This sounds like what I need to know to define what I am thinking about with what I want from a cooking tomato.


Originally Posted by brokenbar View Post
Okay...take five tomatoes each of 5 varieties. Remove skins, seeds, gel fraction. Smash them up or run through food mill ...........much liquid and seeds...)
Woz, I am going to guess as it has been years since I have grown any slicing tomatoes but I would bet, growing the paste varieties I grow, that it would take 4 times the poundage of slicing tomatoes to end up with the same amount of finished sauce as that from my pastes. I process about 100 lbs at a whack and I use a large, clear rubbermaid tote under the slide from the tomato mill to channel the sauce into. I let it set and I only get about 1/2 gallon or less of clear liquid and the rest is sauce. I have to think that it would be 50/50 (or maybe even 40/60) with slicing tomatoes so maybe, using 100 lbs, you might get 1 and 1/2 gallons or 2 gallons of clear liquid? You are also going to be losing a lot more gel and seeds so it is really even worse than that...same amount of work and far less product... You want large, dry, few seeds as that will get you the most finished sauce for all the work or in my case, the most dried product.

With my very specific needs, it became abundantly clear to me a long ways back that I had to grow and use tomatoes that were truly suitable for the use I was putting them to. And lets not forget taste and texture...all the sauce in the world is worthless if it tastes like crap...I have found that most large slicing tomatoes are much too sweet for sauce and others are just blah...I have to figure if a sauce tomato has been around since the 1600's...there is a reason people are still growing them for sauce because heaven knows, there are thousands of variety choices.
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