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Old July 16, 2014   #44
Join Date: May 2009
Location: CT
Posts: 219

Originally Posted by drew51 View Post
I culled out San Marzano this year because of problems with the seedlings.
Since the topic is breeding for pastes, I'm surprised nobody has elaborated on the wispy leaved tomatoes that are often very slow to develop, compared to regular leaved plums.

I know that one of my goals with breeding pastes is to incorporate more seedling vigor into my favorite wispy variety. Short of reaching that goal, are there tried and true techniques to assure that wispy varieties reach maturity more quickly?

On the topic of San Marzano, there are probably a lot of variations on what is sold and traded as San Marzano. I've seen wispy and non-wispy San Marzanos for example. There are also a lot of similar varieties with new names that might be better adapted to differing climates. My point is it's not safe to generalize given the likely variations that exist.
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