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Old July 6, 2014   #10
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The allegation that I was merely seeking a simple reference point, list, table, or any kind of referenceable/search tool for anything other than all to use, especially newcomers, after having been a member here since around 2009 and having grown hundreds of varieties, and having read most of the books available, and having a lengthy list of favorite sites was at once misleading, insulting, and counterproductive to my thought to help all on Tomatoville ...newcomer or veteran. I can assure all that such was never my intent or even necessary as I have plenty of friends here as well as other resources that have always been there as guides and references.

The simple point was that many, especially newcomers, can always use a simple starting point, while other more seasoned veterans sometimes just like to be updated on what the current favorites or preferred varieties of the day may be. Most have little interest in wading through thousands of names and varieties when they really just want to grow a few of the better varieties of the day..north, south, east, west, or among our rapidly growing list of new friends in other countries.

One can disagree without disparagement or alleging ulterior motives. NOW, lest a simple idea become the cause of the sort of flame wars found on other forums. We can agree to disagree. If one has the time and interest in studying and researching thousands of varieties, or growing several hundred, that is their choice and bless them. However, I found the recent post with the analysis of some preference to be an easily understandable, valuable reference that was probably never intended to be the basis of an extensive thesis or contain ALL factors about all tomatoes, yellow or otherwise. For most it was exactly what it was presented to be and, as such, a tool for quick reference that provided some easy to understand reference points. I applauded the effort and outcome then, and I do now.

How hard would it be to compile a list of such favorites by various categories or selection criterion to simply be a starting point or quick reference? If folks want to explore beyond those varieties..have at it!

A very special friend here suggested that I have others gardens that need tending and she was absolutely right, and it is towards those ends that I have realized the need to do some listening and seed sewing of another type. Bless you all.

Last edited by mensplace; July 6, 2014 at 06:39 PM.
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