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Old July 6, 2014   #8
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I think anybody can do what they like but I also think that any list extrapolated from posts in the Tomatoville forums will be heavily skewed in favor of tomato varieties that do well in the southern USA simply by virtue of the demographics of this forum. That is just fine as long as "newbies" know that (which they wont).
As an example, of The tomatoes listed in the best of the yellows and golds list posted recently, none of them are tomatoes I think would do well here. I know that and so it is not a problem for me but something I spend time on is trying to convince short season gardeners that they can't do things here the way they are done in the south and be successful. An example of that is what I consider to be the bizarre practice of removing the earliest blossoms from tomato plants. In my area, those earliest blossoms are generally my largest and best tomatoes of the year. My point is, the lists will not be a good starting point for anyone who doesn't live in say zones 6 and higher. That is fine too, as long as folks realize that.
just my 0.2
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