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Old July 5, 2014   #1
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Recently there was an interesting set of subjective charts re YELLOW tomatoes. I believe that such as this, as a reference point, would be a very valuable reference point for many. I skirted this is referencing a "BEST" medium sized, light acid, full bodied tomato with plenty of radial locules. As stated then, this would be a different "TYPE" from Beefsteak. I thought it a fairly straightforward interrogative. But, my thought behind the question was really fairly basic, with all of the crossing, breeding, and varieties over the past, many would benefit fro a simple chart for points of reference and selection to know what the community here considers the best exemplar of those within a given set of traits, i.e. a rather basic chart by hybrid vs OP, size, color, acid amount, texture that would at least be a starting point for rookies and even folks like myself who, due to memory issues, sometime need to check. I don't care for cherry tomatoes, so no need to look there. I don't care for beefsteaks, so skip those, I can't ( as of this year) eat the high acid fruits anymore...skip those.

You see where I'm going? Sometimes now I can't even remember the month and have to sometimes stop in mid writing to remember my own name, much less the traits of the hundreds of varieties I grew before my strokes. Even the newcomers, often ask the very same questions to get started. A simple chart or even database wherein one could input the few variables or scan a chart would be an invaluable asset. You want to know the top few yellows, simply scan the chart or input the features desired and voila! At least that would be a starting point and generally not disappoint. As we pursue a more scientific approach, whether brix, mineral content, or even identifiable phenols maybe things could be even further refined. Maybe. With all of the many different names for the same tomato, just maybe DNA or some similar markers, could even further eliminate much confusion...later.

For now, it would be nice to even have that basic starting point as illustrated by Scott's excellent work. In even my simple question recently the Break O' Day came up. Yet another to be investigated. Most folks simply can't grow out hundreds of varieties, but what a blessing it would be to quietly go on line, look for a few simple variables, and have a few that meet most of the criterion or hoped for features. I know many want to test many hundreds year to year or keep striving fro new crosses, but for others, for a host of reasons, it would be nice just to look up a few for, say, my now greatly limited garden, space, and abilities and feel fairly sure that I would know at least a few for that basic mater sandwich.

Just saying, so go easy on me. My not wanting cherry tomatoes, or the texture of beefsteaks, or trying to please a wife who now suddenly reveals that she isn't going to eat my Cherokee Purple, is in no way intended as a slight to you. In fact, I was overjoyed to grow out the wonderful seed you folks very kindly provided for my Fall planted, and I am proud to say they are already fruiting. Thanks to always. Someday you too may be gardening on your knees, so you tolerance is greatly appreciated.
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