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Old June 30, 2014   #123
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Connecticut
Posts: 252

Originally Posted by Got Worms? View Post
I didn't know we had anyone from the Vegan system on this planet.

For Glenn; a good fence that will keep the 'chucks out (and from laughing) will have a heavy gauge 36" wide galvanized "hardware cloth" covering the bottom 12" of the fence and extending 6" below grade before it is folded 90* to parallel the ground for the last 18" in an outward direction.

We are getting farther and farther away from the original subject. I must remedy this: Nutrient density, Nutrient density, Nutrient density, Azomite, Kelp, rock dust, yeast, and withhold watering. Beer, fish emulsion, molasses, compost, brix, trace elements, etc. etc. etc. Okay, I feel better now.
Charlie, thanks for all your input. Especially how to construct the fence, letting me know whose garden they think it is and most of all that I am at war with these destructive rodents. Think I read about Pollans's experience with Woodchuck's in "Second Nature."

So, lets get back on the topic of nutrient density. I have spent most of my time learning about the potential benefits of using compost, manure, rock dust, kelp and making sure there is enough calcium available. I do not know about the benefits of yeast and withholding water. Any information or resources you (or anyone else) could point me to would be much appreciated and definately get this thread back on topic. Gotta make sure all of us vegetable consumers (vegan or not) are getting the biggest nutritional bang for our buck!

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