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Old June 17, 2014   #4
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Originally Posted by Tom Wagner View Post
Thanks, Carolyn, for linking to Man of La Mancha and the music. The Don Quixote quest that I am on with a lifetime of tomato breeding is somehow ominously parallel to fighting a war against all odds.

I went to the Frank Sinatra version of the song that has lyrics as you listen. I am not the only one who is chasing tomato windmills, some of us try out huge numbers of tomato varieties each year in their 'quest' for the perfect tomato.

I am guilty of being an impossible dreamer. How many of us are considered 'mad' by our family, friends, co-workers and employers? However ridiculous and incredulous pumping out dozens of new varieties each year is....does it truly leave the world a better place?. Carolyn, I believe you are, indeed, one of those who leave the world a better place. Thank you!

I've got tomatoes to transplant, tomatoes to cross, tomatoes to extract seed from, so pardon me while I get on my horse and charge some windmills!
I went with the original movie version and you went with the better voice.

You wrote:

(Carolyn, I believe you are, indeed, one of those who leave the world a better place. Thank you!)

Well thank you Tom but do you know something I don't know about leaving the world, at least in the short term?

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