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Old June 13, 2014   #105
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Zone 6A Illinois
Posts: 10
Default Details might help

As Carolyn has pointed out many times, our tastes differ. Growing conditions may contribute to a tomato doing poorly. As might the source - we might get something in a trade or from another person and it might not be the right tomato! It might be helpful if we offered info about our culture when we say we didn't like something - not a lot, but general temps that season, if it was cold, rainy, hot - that kind of stuff. Not sure if it's OK to name the source other than to say traded for, purchased from noted tomato source, etc.

In the 90's, I grew Stupice and one of the French variety Carmello. I couldn't figure how either had gotten such good press - I didn't find anything redeeming about it at all. I gave them all away. I was growing organic at the time and the other 15 or so varieties I grew did fine. I never knew if it was that I had questionable seed, if these are just flavors/profiles I do not like, or if something about my culture wasn't what they wanted. It's so long ago and I lost all my notes in a house fire, but I've never grown either again. I seem to recall one or both may have been mealy and soft. Maybe I should try them again just to see.
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