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Old May 24, 2014   #21
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Nobody questioned your right to grow the hottest peppers you want to! Just thought it MIGHT be worthwhile in a country with the highest litigation rate anywhere to let some folks know one of the catch 22's of having such cute little things in their yard. Here, all of the lawns are surrounded by other peoples children and I know that from time to time things go an entire pear tree's fruit just when they ripened or tomatoes that were there before I went on vacations. I can just imagine, having seen the You tubes of adults after they tried to eat one of these, what it would be like if some little darling went screaming home with the residual on their hands and face, or in their eyes. Enjoy them to your hearts content! I was simply letting you know that it would be like owning a pit bull. a wonderful dog in the right circumstances, but not viewed quite the same in court in the off chance that a neighbor's child wanders too close. Even some kind of a wire fence around them if you live in such a development would help. Here we have lots of children I don't even know who walks through the back yard. I just wanted to raise a flag of awareness, but you a certainly free to do whatever you choose! Nuff said.
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