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Old May 12, 2014   #7
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Merced, CA
Posts: 832

Hi Everyone,

Thanks so much for all of the responses. I've just sort of glanced at the links so far, Carolyn, but they look really interesting! One in particular seems to discuss the "communication" between the plants via the mycorrhizae. Reminds me of "The Secret Lives of Plants" (on Nature or NOVA, I think).

It's sort of mind-boggling to me to find out as Redbaron said that:

micro-organisms can actually activate biochemical pathways that stay active even after the micro-organism is gone, and even through the following generation

The concepts of activating dormant parts of DNA and epigenics are also extremely interesting. I think I have a lot of "reading-up" to do !

In the meantime, I have just gone out and fertilized all my plants with a fertilizer containing added mycorrhizae (which I've not done for several weeks).

Also, Carolyn, very interesting to read about your experience with the grow-outs in more detail than what's in the book. Thanks for looking things up for me and happy that you enjoyed reading the links too!

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