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Old May 1, 2014   #3
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 2,591

That big yellow leaf in the top pic looks to me is just the seed leaf (cotyledon). I wouldn't worry about that 1 at all. It will drop off on it's own soon. But the plant does need some fertilizer. Because you need to water more in those small pots, I would make up a very weak solution to use as your all the time water til you can get them either in bigger pots or in the ground.

Yes those little things do look to be flower buds. IF the plants are in big enough pot (over a gal size), you could leave them, but it looks like they are just in cups so it would be best to take them off.

I'm more concerned about the fact that there are some deformed leaves in pic 2. Those new leaves don't look right. To me it looks like you may have some aphid or thrip damage. Often you can't even see the bugs as they are so small and down in the growing tip of the plant. But those deformed leaves are the clue that something is there. A spray of soap water might be enough to get rid of them. Otherwise something with pyrithrum (sp?) would be safe especially since it will be a while til you eat anything from those plants.

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