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Old April 28, 2014   #1
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Brooksville FL, zone 9a
Posts: 67
Default need help with heavy feeders!

Basically I am wondering what the best way to fertilize them is.

When I say heavy feeders I'm referring to corn, cukes, zukes, winter squash, and melons.

The soilless mix I use is listed below (I make it in large batches, each large batch makes 30 gallons per batch).

2-3 cubic feet pine bark mulch
5 gallons spaghnum peat moss
5 gallons perlite
2 cups fertilizer (designed for container Osmocote)

I was considering using a combination of compost and slow release fertilizer since they are heavy feeders.

Since I would be using both compost and a slow release container fertilizer (like Osmocote) should I reduce the amount of the container fertilizer by cutting it in half?

If I kept it at 2 cups (with the slow release fertilizer, i.e. Osmocote) per 30 gallon batch and used it in combination with the compost, would I be using too much fertilizer or would it be okay?

The amount of compost I would be using would be small 5-7 gallons per 30 gallon batch.

Last edited by aimeruni; April 28, 2014 at 08:25 PM.
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