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Old March 27, 2014   #96
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: zone 5
Posts: 821
Default Bean Bag Dandruff

You know that stuff that used to get all over the house when the bean bag chair sprung a leak? That's what was falling from the sky this am. nano-snow balls.

We were supposed to hit a high of 50. Instead we have 40 at 1pm and 30mph gusts. I'll take it I suppose, its not freezing! Though nothing is melting.

The tomatoes have exploded in growth since transplantation they are doing great.

Replanting : spinach, amarynth and malobar spinach and cilantro due to 0% sprouting.

The empty pop-up green house tried to blow away last night. I retrieved it, put it back together and have the usual more tolerant of cold than other things sitting in their today, just to get them some light. They are not stretching but are also not growing, we need some HEAT!

I bought some mini-purple potatoes from the store yesterday that were delicious, so I went back and bought some more to sprout in case my seeds don't get there. They are sprout but smaller than the size of a pencil eraser still, after several weeks.

If I squint, I think a might see a wee bit of green tinge to the deader than I have ever seen it looking lawn. HOPE?

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