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Old March 26, 2014   #91
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Newfoundland, Canada
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I was happy to see 55 F in the greenhouse today, very nice for the leeks and turnips and white lisbons and bok choy. Some mizuna and spicy mustard greens have come back from the frozen soil conditions, and even a couple of lettuce plants, to my surprise.
I should put the parsley out too, it's not getting enough light and starting to look like 'var repens'... yes the infamous 'creeping' varieties which are typical indoors in a not so sunny place.
Had a munch of my first bush bean yesterday - they are not Pencil Pod Black Wax at all, I must have mixed up my labels. It's a green bean, and the plant has red speckled stems and violet flowers. Very pretty and a good tasting bean with nice crunch. Could this be Fin de Bagnol? I seeded a couple but thought they didn't germinate. In any case, delighted to grow my first 'late winter bush bean' indoors...success!

Had 20 cm snow to shovel yesterday, and another storm forecast for tonight, they're calling it a 'weather bomb' and is set to deliver 10-15 cm snow and ice pellets, followed by 5-10 mm rain, and winds gusting to 140 km/h which is bad news even by local standards. Yeah... can't wait for spring.
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