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Old March 8, 2014   #23
nnjjohn's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: northern new jersey
Posts: 683

splitting with a maul is easy ..i use beer too to lubricate my swing muscles just a thought and sorry if i might be a bit off topic but, feel this is important note.. I recommend professional chimney sweeping from my experience.. I enjoy burning wood too.. but soot cause fires this season I burned about 2 cords of seasoned oak and had to clean more because of soot ash buildup.. I highly recommend professional installation as well as flue/stove maintenance ,, by code..use a class A stainless steel (insulated double lined flu kit) and I clean my stack using the recommended wire size brush with a set of rods .. i don't like the thought of chimney fires so I sweep and vac .. cleaning everything every month during the burn season.. I even change the register cap about twice a season when i feel it is time to give the dirty one a bath and good wire brush..(i have two so when one gets too creo'd i swap them) I also cool off my stove before taking the top off and check for chimney ash (dutchwest vermont castings) and shop vac where the damper meets the bottom flu collar. But wood splitting is fun..I think of the bad people and pretend I'm chopping..oh nevermind.. i won't there
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