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Old March 7, 2014   #53
Got Worms?
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: NY Zone 5b/6a
Posts: 546

I've tried blood, but it was back in the '70s, then information and awareness about blood-bourne pathogens was made popular, I sort of decided it was not for me. Mainly because the only benefit I could see was it's nitrogenous properties, which I could get elsewhere without risk. It was a "better safe than sorry" decision which just sort of stuck with me.

A good fence, topped with a few strands of electrified bare wire on insulators will do wonders, though.

For the diggers, I bury a foot and a half of a 3ft. wide hardware cloth in an L shape around the perimeter of the garden. I use 1/2" hardware cloth/wire.
The above ground foot and a half should be secured to your fence with wire. Then another 6" straight down below ground and then the remaining 12" bent flat and outward, away from the the fence. Back fill.

Works for most diggers like skunks, woodchucks, rabbits, etc. But not Voles and their ilk/kind.

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