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Old February 27, 2014   #16
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I started peppers and eggplants on Feb 9, and to my surprise most of the peppers (except one specific variety) germinated within 10 days, then followed by Black Beauty eggplants. First were the jalapenos, then habaneros, then the sweet peppers...

I resisted the urge of starting tomatoes, plan to do an assorted batch this coming Saturday March 1. That seems like an easy date to remember, and being on a weekend, I can spend some quality time.

Will also start some brassicas, lettuce and other greens. Planning to build a small low tunnel this year(first time) to get a head start on the season. I can usually grow large plants indoor under light, but they still go through a reset and a pause when transplanted outside. Will try some small/container type tomatoes for the first time as well.

Woke up to 7 deg this morning, north of Boston. I thought we were done with these temps.
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