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Old January 11, 2007   #16
michael johnson
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Additionally - I have been infomed that for some reason or another the Babelfish translator and other translator's will let you roam about all over the website in perfect english, but when it comes to signing in -for some reason or another In the USA it wont let your e-mail address through to varify your sign in.- but it will in the UK , very strange,

So for anyone who wants to sign in and become a member of the website and forums to allow posting etc, here is the simple way to sign in -no prob's.

Go onto the website using Bablefish translator, go straight to forums, then in the top right hand corner of the forum page you will see ( to be recorded) click on that- this then takes you to a page with lots of very strict rules and regulations to read, then scroll down to the bottom of that page where their is an area outlined right at the bottom that more or less says if you are over 13 years of age etc, etc, click on that,

This then takes you to the signing up page of your profile.

Do not bother to fill it in just at that moment, instead make a printed copy of that page on your printer.

Then exit babelfish and the website.
Then go back into the website in its natural state in french- with no translator being used. go straight to the forums page again, click on the same (to be recorded) bit in the top right hand corner, back to the rules and regulations page, scroll down and click on the (you are over 13 years old bit) and your back to the signing in page but in french,
Using the pages you printed out in english, compare the two- and fill in the same required areas- (in english) and then click on the bit right at the bottom that says (Envoyer in a box, and thats it. a brief message will flash up in french, a short while later you will receive an e-mail at your chosen e-mail address, stating you are now a member, but you have to wait a little while longer (perhaps an hour ) for a second e-mail from the administrator of the website to tell you that your account has been activated, you can then post and reply to anyone on the website, your name will also appear on the members list along with all the others-(including several TV members already there) and thats basicly it.

Its a very good website with hundreds of tomatoes listed and a good seed exchange area, with lots of usefull information, almost like a french version of TV and is very simular in many ways.

Now perhaps I can get to the bottom of things regarding that elusive Tomato (Carolina ) thats spoken of in Wikipedia, and only grown in France in certain areas- I have high hopes of tracking its scource down through the french members of the website.
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