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Old February 11, 2014   #6
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Originally Posted by Itoero View Post

I don't understand why people put it in a dark and damp place....imo it stops the healing process.
Plants need fresh air and photosynthesis to heal.
The reasons are similar to why you don't let a transplant dry out, over water, or put into direct sunlight. In one word water.

When have a tomato or other plant where you have cut the roots off it has no way to get new water into it;s system. When you take a cutting or cut the roots off and graft it to another root system it's still a cutting without roots until the union heals. Its most critical need is to not dehydrate. It's misted to keep the scion from drying out.

Why is it keep in the dark? Plants have stoma on the underside of the leaves that let carbon dioxide in and oxygen and water vapor out. They are capable of opening and closing. In the dark they stay closed to preserve water. Since CO2 isn't needed if no photosynthesis is going on there is no need to lose water. The plant has enough stored reserves to heal the union.
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