Thread: Tomato Triangle
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Old January 15, 2014   #12
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: California
Posts: 5

Originally Posted by ArcherB View Post
If money is no object, then this looks like a great idea, especially if you are only going to be growing a few plants. They certainly look nicer than wire cages, and if you are really creative, you could probably find a way to make this into a watering system as well. My wife would be very happy with the way these things look and it would certainly buy me a year or two without having to hear about how bad the garden looks. Then, when she found out how much it cost, she'd divorce me and win the cages in the divorce.

However, if money is no object, I'd spend the extra $18 each and pick up some Texas Tomato cages. I was able to get six of them a few years ago and WOW! Those things rock!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get to starting my seeds. It's that time of year for us southern folk and I'm running late.
The Texas Tomato Cages are the best metal cages commercially available, IMO. As good as they are, they do not offer the scalability option that the Tomato Triangle does, however. If your plants never get more than five feet tall and you can find them at that price, buying that product would make good sense.

Here in California, we have a long growing season and plants can get very large. We did not have a frost this year so some of last summer's plants are still going strong. One has popped out of the top of a 7' cage so if I decide to let this one keep going, I will either have to prune or add another layer.
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