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Old November 2, 2013   #31
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I have been working on growing tomatoes for several years and trying various well thought out processes. I am cognizant of most things about growing tomatoes and find the lack of photographs sadly lacking in this fellows presentation. Most of the internet babble about the methods is pure hype of which I don't accept without strong evidence. Words are cheap and easy to produce and there is too much of this type of nonsense presented in garden forums. Everybody has a camera and successive photographs could be presented as real evidence of the process.
Have you read the BOOK? Evidently not as the book does have pictures and detailed information concerning his methods and the use of Kudzu. BTW, do you have or have used Kudzu at your location?

Scott brought up the use of Kudzu and this is one of the ingredients that Mr. Wilber attributes his success to. Here at TVille we share information and put it out for people to see and use if they so desire. Not to critique unless you have actually done so which in your case I kind of doubt it. The information presented may not be for everyone but some may find it useful. And some methods may not be applicable to ones growing location but is to other locations!

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totally worn out, shouting ‘...Holy Crap .....What a ride!'
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