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Old November 1, 2013   #26
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Charles Wilber, author of "How to Grow World Record tomatoes", uses Kudzu for his compost and attributes it among other things to his success which was used for the most part on four tomato plants that produced 1,368 pounds of tomatoes.

The ingredients for the compost was shredded green kudzu, hay consisting of kudzu and sudex coarsely ground, manure, soil, granite dust or hardwood ashes and colloidal clay.

He further states gardeners that do not have access to kudzu can use alfalfa or soybeans in place of.

For "green manure" he states Hairy vetch and rye make the best green manure crops. He plants the rye in the fall and tills it into the soil 30 days prior to planting in the spring. As he rotates his growing beds he uses Hairy Vetch on those beds that have short season crops so as to have it established before winter sets in.

The book is a really good read and focuses on organic growing and feeding the soil and plants.

Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways,
totally worn out, shouting ‘...Holy Crap .....What a ride!'
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