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Old January 1, 2007   #2
TomatovilleŽ Administrator
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I've never grown any OP storage types, but I've grown Burpee's Long Keeper and Red October hybrids.

I wasn't impressed with Long Keeper's taste.

Red October kept for a long time (over a month and a half) and they held up very nicely...maybe a little too nicely. Taste was also so-so, but still better than breaker stage harvested, ethylene gas (C2H4) ripened ones.

I'm hoping that Burpee/Monsanto didn't go dipping into the animal kingdom gene pool to create this one.

One last word of farewell, Dear Master and Mistress.

Whenever you visit my grave,

say to yourselves with regret

but also with happiness in your hearts

at the remembrance of my long happy life with you:

"Here lies one who loved us and whom we loved."

No matter how deep my sleep I shall hear you,

and not all the power of death

can keep my spirit

from wagging a grateful tail.
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