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Old October 9, 2013   #10
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: SeTx
Posts: 881

Thank you for the math breakdown, it makes sense to me now. I'll admit to skimming all the BTU talk I've read elsewhere because it seemed too complicated. I can't imagine the SWC reservoirs would make much difference, and I don't have room for lots of gallons of water.

I'm thinking most of the winter crops in my climate will be fine over the winter without any protection? Shouldn't be too hard to put hoops over my raised beds if not -- I'm hoping not to have to, though. Trying not to bite off more than I can chew!

I actually wonder if the main reason more folks don't do tunnels here (unless they do and just aren't mentioning it) is the difficulty of regulating the temperature during the day. That and it's only a couple of months downtime anyway.
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