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Old September 18, 2013   #3
Alpinejs's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Alpine, Calif. in winter. Sandpoint Lake, Ont. Canada summers
Posts: 850

My tomatoes experienced a freeze while passing through Rock Springs, Wyo.,
and two freezes here in the Canadian wilderness. Additionally, they got hit
with an infestation of spider mites. I ended up with the worst looking
plants that you can imagine that pumped out more "maters than I knew what
to do with. I gave away bags to anyone that stopped by and tomato soup and
'salsa used a lot, but when we leave here on Oct. 4th, most all summer
people will have left. Right now, there are over 600 tomatoes on the vines
and I am making a list of likely blushing favorites to make the trip home with
us. I fear my Calif. garden was not well tended during my absense.

What do some of the tomatoville folks do with excessive production???
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