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Old September 17, 2013   #14
Posts: n/a


I don't know if they still do it, but citrus growers in Florida used to protect their citrus crops with burning soot pots placed strategically in their orchards. I always thought it was for the heat, but it may have been the soot from the burning pots that protected the crops.

When I needed a little heat while deer hunting, I carried a metal coffee can with a roll of toilet paper in it. I would saturate the toilet paper with rubbing alcohol and replace the coffee can lid. If I got really cold, I would remove the lid from the can and ignite the roll of paper. It would provide some heat for three or four hours before the alcohol was consumed. I've thought about using them under covers in my garden to ward off early spring frosts and freezes. They provide a low blue flame which is difficult to see and they don't get real hot.


Last edited by tedln; September 17, 2013 at 05:50 PM.
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