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Old August 14, 2013   #14
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Oh well I had to use my own advice and spray some Sevin just before dark yesterday. I have been going out every day trying to keep my tomatoes tied up and pruned and for the last three days noticed a big increase in worms. At first it was just a few leaves on my peppers and okra and very few on my tomatoes which are wrapped up in Assassin bugs but by yesterday they had consumed half my okra leaves and were on at least a third of all my pepper leaves. By late afternoon I could see through most of my big foot across okra leaves and many of my pepper leaves. I think if I had waited til this morning my plants would have been stripped since I saw what appeared to be hundreds of thousands of them when tying up my peppers and picking my okra yesterday afternoon. I have never seen them get so thick on okra or peppers before. I have seen it a couple of times on tomatoes which are still not being hit by them very badly so I only sprayed the okra and peppers. I'm hoping the large supply of Assassin bugs or whatever is eating them on my tomatoes will continue to control them. I'm hoping I don't have to resort to the Sevin on my tomatoes but if they progress on them like they did on the okra and peppers I will have no choice.

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