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Old July 21, 2013   #6
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Cincinnati
Posts: 907

The purple skinned / white fleshed sweet potato I was thinking about is Korean Purple. I looked at it because I thought it would be purple fleshed (based on its name).

The Brinkley White, Frazier White and Ivis White all sound very good from the Sand hill description. Around Thanksgiving and Christmas, the grocery stores in my area always have a few white sweet potatoes. I will have to buy a couple of them and see if it is something I should consider growing next year.

I'm growing Beauregard this year. This is the most popular in my area in terms of buying slips locally. I also grew a couple of slips from sweet potatoes I bought at the grocery store. I have no idea what the variety is, but the leaves are a darker green than the Beauregard. I must say the slips took a lot longer to grow than I anticipated.
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