My rodent problems stem from the woodchucks that are eating my pepper plants. The plants are in containers outside my fenced off garden. No room to put them inside.
In the old days I realized that all the 'chucks that raided my garden did so because they had a lead deficiency. Being the helpful sort that I am, I kindly obliged by administering a lead an extremely high velocity. It was just what the doctor ordered, and took care of the problem.
Now I have neighbors that moved in closer and get a bit concerned when I play doctor, so I've resorted to live trapping and separate disposal...I don't believe in dumping my problems on someone else down the road.
In the last 6 nights...I make my sets overnight...I have removed five woodchucks and one opossum. The 'possum got off with warning..."take these two gumdrops and don't call me in the morning!"
Unlike last year, they're just too numerous, now.
Rats are smart. You need to change tactics often, in order to put a dent in their population. I have a few that will work, but right now I need to go out and do some of the work I've been avoiding. Later.
Last edited by Got Worms?; July 11, 2013 at 01:17 PM.