Thread: spider mites
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Old July 1, 2013   #44
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Yes, I used AVID for a couple years (4 years ago). As I understand it, it is very toxic and I only use it on my dahlias (not tomatoes). I use protection on my body and face mask and eye mask when I spray it early morning. It is what the pros dahlia growers use. Expensive. I quit using it and now use a misting system in my dahlia garden and it works. Two-spotted spider mites wiped out my dahlia garden 3 years in a row (in 2 weeks) and in years since then, AVID worked. But I don't like the toxicity.

I am have been having tomato russet mite & other pest problems for 6 wks. on my TOMs and trying everything--Take Down, Aza-Max, currently analyzing the ingredient "imidadaprid" used in Bayer products but don't want to use it in fruit as I like growing organic (although these other products may not be totally organic). Hot weather here isn't helping.

Yes, AVID is effective but safe for food products?
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