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Old June 27, 2013   #40
Master_Gardener's Avatar
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Central Indiana 6a/41
Posts: 131

Originally Posted by natural View Post
I am not selling this year, however, here are some blasts from the past...

If your child pulls an entire flat of tomatoes off of my table, at least acknowledge the act and maybe offer to pick them up. Don’t simply look down at the mess and then walk away.

If you let your dog lick my produce, you have bought it.

If your DOG takes a great big dump in front of my stand, pick it up. I suppose the empty plastic garbage bag that you carry is just for show.

If your CHILD takes a great big dump in front of my stand, pick it up. (Just kidding. This one has not happened…yet. But nothing would surprise me.)
Prior to this thread, I might have considered selling at a farmers market. Now, I will just take notes and perhaps write a book about selling at a farmers market.

It's funny and also sad at the same time.
USDA: Zone 6a, Sunset Zone 41 - 15 miles NW of Indianapolis, IN

I had a problem with slugs. I tried using beer but it didn't work, until I gave it to the slugs.
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