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Old June 2, 2013   #45
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Naysen and Steve,

I have the exact same problem down here. Based on information online, I had narrowed it down to powdery mildew. It seems to hit the most mature plants at a certain stage - I had several plants that looked all green and fine last week and now this week they're starting to show the familiar yellowing that moves up the plant. Most of my oldest plants that I put out in the beginning of March have it. One of my Zolotoe Serdtses that I got from you, Steve, has it bad. As soon as the last tomatoes start to blush, I'm going to pull that plant. This is a problem that I deal with every year, though, and so far, nothing I've tried has cured it. I'm trying to stay as organic as possible, since I sell at farmers markets, and even though I'm not certified organic, I want to stay as organic as possible.

Naysen or Paradatz, if you find a workable cure, let us know!

One of the drawbacks of living in a temperate climate like California!?

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