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Old May 25, 2013   #11
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Originally Posted by zeroma View Post
So, not I have another Chocolate Stripes questions as to history. I recently purchased 12 tomato seedlings from one of the persons mentioned in one of the above posts, seeds having come from Al Anderson. One of the plants is Golden Stripes, which is supposed to be "the original" Chocolate Stripes.

What is the history of Golden Stripes? anyone know? I bought my Chocolate Stripes seeds directly from Al Anderson, drove up north from where I live and picked them up! He told me he has a grower/farmer and an outlet for selling the seedlings. I've now met that person. His tomato info was interesting, but if reputations are 'foggy' as to the background on some of the tomatoes, I would love to hear what anyone here knows of these 2 tomatoes, which one came first and anything else on the actual history.

And flavor/growth/disease & health issues of Golden Stripes too. I love learning all about my 'little tomato babies'. Can't wait to start eating 'em!
Anderson lists Gold ( not Golden) Stripes in the SSE Yearbook, I'll just have to type it out since I don't think Tania or others would have any other info, but didn't check to confirm that.

&&&&&Gold Stripes, 85 days,indet, RL, darker color version of Chocolate Stripes,4-6 oz, dark colors and stripes,very good flavor, from OH SI J 02 ( which means he got the seeds in 2002 from Siegle and is only now listing it.

Anderson gets lots of varieties from Siegle who lists none by himself and is not an SSE listed member .

So I assume that you got your plants from Siegle since his farm is not that far away.

And since you know both Anderson and Siegle there is no way I'm going to make any specific comments about Anderson and reputation as known by quite a few SSE members.

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