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Old May 22, 2013   #23
SIP Gro-Tubs
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Originally Posted by Chucker View Post
Thank you for your input. It is just an experiment, and since they were just extra plants, I am ready to accept failure. As an engineer, it pains me to say that you never know till you try, but I have yet to find any data or equations for calculating wicking action based on type and size of wicking material, so I guess my only way to learn is to try.
Yes, it was an experimment for me also 23 years ago.

No, there isn't any written or published data that I've found either

But, there is data that I have collected thru my R&D using different size wicks.


1. Gravity has a big controlling aspect for wicks compared to the depth of the water reservoir. After 7" or more in depth of the reservoir the wicking will pretty much stop.

2. Wick diameter has another effect, the smaller the diameter the shallower the reservoir will have to be.

3. I, use 11/16" diameter polyester piping cord and it will keep the soil moist enough in about a 6" radius around the wick, by the time moisture goes out that far, the soil-less mix will be saturated next to the wick which will stop wicking.

4. But when I, use the last of my piping cord stock I'll be changing to Microfiber Udder cloths, which has the largest weight per sq, meter of 320 grams. Microfiber cloths have over 7 times more wicking pull than regular polyester, but both are made from the same resin. Also the Microfiber has shown promising results as to a greater depth of the reservoirs.

Terry Layman
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