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Old May 17, 2013   #14
clkingtx's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Wichita Falls Texas
Posts: 446

This is my first year growing celery, but surprisingly, it has turned out to be less difficult than I was expecting. I started mine in a soda bottle self watering container in February. I think 4 plants grew, though I planted a lot more seed. I moved the seedlings further apart(but in the same container) when they were 2-3 inches high. In April, after our last frost date, I planted them in the garden. They are in a shady, wetter part of the garden, it only gets morning sun. They are doing great. I planted more seed in March probably in a second bottle, as a project for my daughter, and tons sprouted. A couple of weeks ago, I decided to thin them a little by plucking some up(not too gently), and shoving them into the wet dirt(muddy) near the other celery. They too are doing fine. I use soaker hoses for watering, and had worked in manure to the soil in January or February. I think the key for sprouting is to keep the seeds from drying out. The first time, I planted heavily, and only got 4 plants. The second time, I planted heavily, but then covered the top with saran wrap until most sprouted. I think that made a huge difference. I have heard of people planting them out, then putting a board over them to keep them moist until they sprout.
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