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Old May 1, 2013   #10
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Merced, CA
Posts: 832

Hi Lyn,

Thanks! I got a really early start this year, set the plants out very early with black plastic mulch to help warm the soil and a temporary plastic sheeting greenhouse type structure that I'd close up over the plants at night until the nights warmed up. All that really made a difference - plus fortunate weather conditions.


If you look closely or enlarge the photo more you'll see a couple of small momotaros towards the lower left corner of the photo. I haven't grown momotaro before but it seems to get rave reviews from everyone who has grown it. I can't remember how big the plants were compared to the others when I set them out, but the fruitset on the momotaro was a bit later than I expected - no telling why.

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