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Old March 23, 2013   #104
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Originally Posted by GunnarSK View Post
I may have been the first to suggest that Green Doctors could be a cross rather than a mutation, and it was not inpired by Carolyn, rather by Keith Mueller's comment in Tania's database: "Seems odd to me to call it a sport when it has 2 supposed mutations occurring - green flesh and yellow skin - compared to it's supposed sib lines of Dr. Carolyn and Dr. Carolyn Pink which lack those genes."
I lost my whole long post Gunnar and now I'm trying to remember what I said.

Yes, I saw Keith's quote at Tania's Green Doctors page and he hasn't been shy about saying how much he dislikes the taste, so be it.

Nothing surprises me about what might be thrown from the initial finding, by me, that saved seeds from Galina, bought from Bill McDorman off his website after he brought back many varieties from Siberia and sold them from the first time I saved seeds from that Galina. Craig L and I bought all of them and shared seed.

From that Galina from saved seed I got plants with different colored fruits, pink, salmon, red, yellow and the one with ivory colored fruits which had the best taste. At the time Steve Draper in Utah was also seeing the same thing from Galina, but didn't get the ivory colored one and asked me to send him seeds and it was he who named it Dr. Carolyn, not me.

And you also saw that Dr. Carolyn, the variety, not the human, which I still am, threw red fruited plants at first then settled down.

I never asked Amy if it was one plant with all GWRipe fruits, or a somatic mutation with just one fruit or a branch with the different fruits. But I was confused at that time that an ivory colored fruit could give rise to a GWRipe, so asked Keith about it when he used to be here at Tville. He wrote back a long PM which said yes, it could happen and I might still have that PM but how to find it, well, that's a problem, but I can try if you want me to.

OK, back to the lineage. Someone sent me what he called Dr. Carolyn Pink and as I noted everywhere I got plants with two different cherry sized fruits.

The change from GD to GD Frosted occurred independently by three folks, Jeff In Canada, Neil in Indiana, and it turns out Lee Goodwin's sister also found it with seeds for GD that I was listing in the SSE Yearbook.

Do I understand how all these changes occurred going back to my original saved seeds from Galina? No I don't and I don't think anyone does.

But I do think there's some kind of genetics going on between so called whites and GWRipes, and that's based on the year that I had three Cherokee Green plants out for seed production and two of them had the same sized and shaped fruits, but fruits were IVORY colored and were lousy tasting.

So there it was Cherokee Green to ivory colored and GD was ivory colored to GWripe.

GD was a cross you suggest? I think it was more the genetic instability at work from the get go with the original Galina seeds that both Steve Draper and I got from Bill McDorman.

Look at all the various varieties that arose from the original Cherokee Purple to Cherokee Chocolate to Cherokee Green and beyond.

Stuff happens and often none of us know why, in a genetic sense.

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