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Old March 21, 2013   #4
nnjjohn's Avatar
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Location: northern new jersey
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Thank you both for sharing.. Just so you know, the 72 cell jiffy tray has 18 cucumbers that i had thought best to to transplant in bigger containers.. i do not need 18 cuc plants ,, maybe a dozen at best.. but they are shooting up faster than the two tomato varieties and the swiss chard is just starting to break out.. is it best to separate all the varities or can i let them stay in till they are like the size in the flats at the garden center? I hope these don't get leggy like the ones i neglected in the past seasons.. yes , in my basement where the pool table use to be, is a long bright florescent ficture.. I made a small hang table using 1/2 plywood..screwed 1 1/4 drywall screws and twisted band wire to the four corners and I can hang these seedlings right under the white light.
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